Life Update, February 2024
Yours truly in Venice in November 2023.
Today, one year ago, I had my last working day in a management position at a media company. I had quit in November already, a decision that had ripened during a vacation among the volcanoes on Lanzarote. The idea of becoming self-employed had been floating around in my head for quite some time – and I knew then that the moment had come to change something about my career. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I was stuck at my desk on video calls, often more than eight hours per day. It started to feel unhealthy. Also, I wanted to be able to dedicate a more substantial fraction of my time and energy to photography and writing.
After that last day at work, I took a break to contemplate and reflect. I thought about the things I love to do and how I want to shape my life. In the process, I also rediscovered a more authentic version of myself. Because even when you think you stay true to yourself in your work life, a management role will inevitably change you. While this change is something some people strive for, I did not always like the person I had become.
Next, I figured out what my offer as a self-employed content expert would be and how I could incorporate writing and photography into the mix. I built a website and launched it. Forty-eight hours later, I had my first inquiry for a project; more have followed suit. I made a business plan and founded a company.
Since then, I have returned to the desk and those inevitable video calls. Yet, I also enjoy full days without any meetings. Instead, I deliver tangible outputs for my clients, from producing content strategies to running workshops and writing articles.
But I can also take afternoons off to walk to the museum or the lake. Sometimes, I enjoy slow mornings reading a book. I can go on trips without asking anyone. I can work from wherever I want. I found the inspiration to start a monthly newsletter. I can devote more time to this blog and slowly work off my backlog of content. I am much calmer and relaxed and have a lot more energy.
I am in awe of how smoothly everything has gone so far. How lucky I am. Offering services as a content strategist and creator seems to have hit a nerve. Sometimes, it feels a bit unreal and scary, too.
Today, one year ago, I stepped into an unknown future. It was the best decision I could have made.
I am aware of my privilege to just be able to quit and build my own business. Also, some of my life choices have paved the way for this. I have no kids or other obligations. After having worked full-time since 2010, I have a solid professional network and financial security.
Still, there are some projects I have to follow up on. I need to complete my photography portfolio. I want to sell prints and contact potential clients for photography jobs. These things are currently more out of my comfort zone than my consulting work, but I plan to act on them in 2024.