Toni Marroni

It’s been raining for days. Basically, since we came back from the South of France two weeks ago, even today it rained cats and dogs around noon. Its hardly a problem and maybe not worth talking about, but the transition has been hard for me. I kept craving the sun, I am not ready for woolen sweaters and scarves. And, despite the splendid summer we had, I feel robbed of at least two more weeks of Zurich summer. Terrace dinners and the last swim in the lake.

Today, towards the afternoon, the skies finally cleared. Right in time for my date with S., D., G. and little L. We met in town to enjoy the first marroni of the year. I never know when, but at some point every year, little huts appear all over Zurich, selling roasted chestnuts. It’s their appearance that truly marks the beginning of autumn in this town. The one we pick is called Toni Marroni at Stadelhofen train station. I arrive first and as I wait, I picture Toni Marroni as a cartoon character, a mole selling marroni from his little green hut. Instead, he turns out to be a sweet middle-aged man with an Italian accent. S. buys a bag of marroni to share. Little L. wants ice cream instead. And, while the chestnuts are delicious, I cannot blame her, I say. I too want to cling to summer indefinitely.

We pick up some coffee close by, and set out for a walk along the lake. We talk, look at the swans and the water, D., and S. take turns chasing L. up and down the promenade. I take some pictures with my new camera. We reach a large playground that reminds me of a huge monkey cage in a zoo. The kids don’t seem to mind. D. pushes L. on the swing, the rest of us sits on a bench and talk. Time flies. The sun is warm on my skin, but feels less aggressive than just a few weeks ago. As it disappears behind the trees we know it’s time to head home.

Every year there is a particular day, that I start to be okay about the end of summer. This year, I think, it might have been today. And, suddenly, it feels a bit strange to know that in two weeks’ time, I will find myself on an island in the sun for two more weeks of summer days.


Athens – Notes


Sunday Morning in August